Read on to find out what makes us so different and to redeem your FREE LOAF!


We rise far before the sun to make sure our customers get the freshest bread possible each day. We don’t cut corners, and it is so worth it! We mill and bake our bread fresh, in-store daily, ensuring each loaf captures all the flavor and nutrients from the grains.

The curation of savory, wholesome bread starts long before the ovens fire up. Take Scott Molyneaux’s job, for example: as Corporate Chef for Great Harvest Bread Company, he sleeps, breathes and most definitely eats good bread for a living. “And I absolutely love my job,” he says. "Farm-to-table is more than just a cute expression. I actually get to shake the hands of the guys who grow our wheat, and it is an honor."

Great Harvest Bread Company’s wheat is grown exclusively in Montana’s Golden Triangle, an area renowned for its ideal wheat-growing weather conditions and hearty varieties. “Ninety-five percent of our farmers do not irrigate. They rely on rain from above and the sun,” Molyneaux says. “And they pray.” Depending on the year, Molyneaux will receive 80-100 wheat samples from farmers, but only about 10-15 will pass his tough regulations, including testing for protein content, chemical residue, moisture and even mini baking taste tests. The high pass-fail ratio ensures Great Harvest Bread Company’s stores receive only the best of the best for their mills year after year. “The cream of the crop, literally so,” says Molyneaux. “It’s a point of pride for our farmers because they know exactly where their wheat is going and that we will care for it with as much passion as they have.” 

Molyneaux makes it a point to stop by the fields in Montana to thank the families that grow quality wheat to craft quality breads. On his most recent trip, he paid a visit to one of Great Harvest Bread Company’s most faithful farmers. “He’s been supplying us with some of the best varieties of wheat for well over a decade, His grandparents homesteaded the land, and with each generation it’s grown. His son is now farming with him and will likely take over sometime down the road,” Molyneaux reports. 

All of the farms that supply Great Harvest Bread Company are family-owned and operated, maintaining the standard for traditional bread values dating back centuries that keep its owners, chefs and bakers grounded. “There are definitely faster, mechanized ways to do this, but we choose not to do that,” Molyneaux says.

That’s where we come in. First thing in the morning we prep the store’s stone grinders to transform the Montana wheat berries into fine flour for the day’s order of scones, muffins and breads. We love the health and wholeness of our bread. We truly love the quality of our work and the value that comes in each slice.
We can't wait for you to taste our amazing breads, goodies and sandwiches!
We'd love to give you a free loaf!
Great Harvest Bread of Loganville